





整体橱柜设计时要了解做饭人的习惯,厨房内需要不需要很多空间储物,比如放锅的空间,宽度高度都要注意,根据具体要求进行设计。整体橱柜的下柜煤气管道处设计要合理,要方便日常检查和燃气查询。燃气灶的下面最好不要放碗柜拉篮,因为碗柜化粪池模具 精密铸造 钢纤维 盐水注射机 风电基础模具 nsk轴承经销商 nsk轴承总代理 保定空调移机多少会有些潮湿,容易导致腐蚀生锈。做成隔层设计,拉篮可以设计在上层,平时厨房里的瓶瓶罐罐都可放在里面,也可专门设计一层放锅具。
When designing the whole cabinet, we need to understand the cook's habits. The kitchen does not need a lot of space to store things, such as the space for the pot, the width and height should be paid attention to, and the design should be carried out according to the specific requirements. The design of the gas pipeline of the lower cabinet of the integral cabinet is reasonable, and it should be convenient for routine inspection and gas inquiry. Gas stove under the best do not put cabinet basket, because the cabinet will be somewhat humid, easy to lead to corrosion and rust. Make a partition design, the basket can be designed on the upper floor, usually in the kitchen bottles and cans can be placed inside, can also be specially designed for a layer of pots and pans


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