





River dredging has always been an important problem in river regulation in China. In order to ensure the normal operation of the river, a large number of river dredging projects have been carried out in China in recent years, resulting in a large number of Engineering sludge. For a large area of sludge, the method of trimming and discharging the sludge yard is often used to collect the sludge and dry the sludge naturally. However, this method is easy to cause secondary pollution due to the direct contact between the sediment and the surrounding environment.
Sludge solidification technology has been widely used in river dredging projects in recent years. The commonly used sludge solidification technology mainly includes physical methods, heat treatment methods and chemical methods. The application of the first two types is limited due to their large investment. The main principle of sludge solidification technology is to add solidified materials to the sludge with high porosity to make the chemical reaction between the solidified materials and the sludge, and finally form a cementitious structure to turn the sludge into geotechnical materials, so as to achieve the purpose of resource reuse.


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