河道疏浚、湖泊清淤过程中产生大量的淤泥,为处理这些淤泥,往往需要大量的人 カ和资源,现有技术中,处理这些淤泥的方法主要有两种一是找到专用的填埋场地,将淤泥堆放,然后再吹沙充填,
A large amount of sludge is produced in the process of river dredging
and lake dredging. In order to deal with these sludge, a large number of
people and resources are often required. In the existing technology,
there are two main methods to deal with these sludge. One is to find a
special landfill site, stack the sludge, and then blow sand for filling,
However, the disadvantage of this method is that it requires a large
number of special landfill sites, consumes manpower and high
transportation cost; Another treatment method is to add curing agent to
the sludge for curing