





The top priority of the resource utilization of sludge and fecal sewage is fertilizer utilization. Even sludge with high content of heavy metals can be used as fertilizer for afforestation.
污泥量大,处理困难,同时新的处置技术还未成熟,但是,本发明却完美的做到了,它解决了污泥的资源化利用问题,特别是肥料化利用问题,解决了污水处理厂污泥的处理和处置,解决了养殖产生的大量畜禽粪污的有效利用,使沼气工程的沼渣、沼液能得到合理利用,并且工艺上是十分可行的、成熟的,工序是简单的,其处置成本及费用是很低粪池模具 路缘石模具 唐山通风管道 塑钢电缆挂钩 钢纤维 钢制拍门 植绒机 铜雕佛像的,特别是对污泥采用粘土矿物固化处理的方法,是科学的(利用粘土矿物的结合性-粘土矿物结合非塑性原料而形成良好的可塑泥团……的功能)。
The amount of sludge is large, the treatment is difficult, and the new disposal technology is not yet mature. However, the invention perfectly solves the problem of resource utilization of sludge, especially the problem of fertilizer utilization, the treatment and disposal of sludge in sewage treatment plant, the effective utilization of a large amount of livestock and poultry manure produced by breeding, and the biogas residue of biogas project Biogas slurry can be reasonably utilized, and the process is very feasible and mature. The process is simple, and its disposal cost and expense are very low. In particular, the method of clay mineral solidification treatment for sludge is scientific (the function of using the binding of clay minerals - clay minerals combined with non plastic raw materials to form good plastic mud mass...).


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版权 © 天津市三川恒泰科技有限公司 网址:chuguit.75ix.com  推荐:淤泥固化设备,污泥固化处理,淤泥固化施工

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