Sludge is the product of sewage dewatering treatment, mainly organic
matter, and contains a large number of microorganisms, pathogens, heavy
metals and so on. For a long time, influenced by the traditional idea of
"emphasizing water and neglecting sludge", the problem of safe,
effective and hygienic treatment and disposal of sludge has not been
well solved.
定送水 保定骨伤骨病 铜鼎铜钟 淤泥固化设备 保定舞蹈 化粪池钢模具 保定网站建设角度出发,通过固化技术将污泥转化为可以再生利用的土材料,或作为填埋处置的预处理手段是符合我国国情的污泥处理及资源化途径之一。
According to the 12th Five Year Plan for national environmental
protection, the annual sludge production in China will reach about 60
million tons. Combined with the current situation of sludge treatment
and disposal in China, from the perspective of economic feasibility, it
is one of the ways of sludge treatment and recycling in line with
China's national conditions to convert sludge into recyclable soil
materials through solidification technology or as a pretreatment means
of landfill disposa