





The problem to be solved is to provide a construction method of sludge solidified soil. Using this method to treat the dredged sludge can save cultivated land and avoid environmental pollution.
为解决上述问题,本发明采取以下定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 遮阳网 铜狮子 保定电动门技术方案本发明的淤泥固化土施工方法的特点是含有以下步骤(1)先对挖出的淤泥进行脱水处理,使其含水量的重量百分数为40%~60%,并接近液限;(2)再在经过脱水的淤泥中加入水泥和粉煤灰;
In order to solve the above problems, the invention adopts the following technical scheme. The construction method of sludge solidified soil of the invention is characterized by the following steps: (1) firstly dehydrate the excavated sludge to make its water content 40% ~ 60% by weight and close to the liquid limit; (2) Then add cement and fly ash to the dewatered sludge;
In each cubic meter of sludge, the addition amount of cement is 50 ~ 100kg and the addition amount of fly ash is 50 ~ 150kg; (3) After that, stir for 30 ~ 80 seconds and mix evenly to obtain solidified sludge soil; (4) Then, when the solidified sludge soil is stacked for 2 ~ 3 days to make it continue to solidify, have early strength and can be paved mechanically, it can be paved on the subgrade, dam or low depression in layers, and rolled in layers by machinery. The paving thickness of each layer of sludge solidified soil is 20 ~ 30cm.


  1. 电话:13366562155
  2. 手机:13902056721
  3. 联系人:杨经理
  4. 邮箱:sanchuanhengtai@163.com
  5. 地址:天津市滨海新区中新生态城动漫中路创智大厦A座823室

版权 © 天津市三川恒泰科技有限公司 网址:chuguit.75ix.com  推荐:淤泥固化设备,污泥固化处理,淤泥固化施工

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