为什么说橱柜面积最大化反而不好用? |
添加时间:2021/12/1 16:20:30 浏览次数: |
Why not use the largest cabinet area?
To put it simply, the kitchen is actually the composition of
cabinet countertop and corridor space. The operating table determines
the storage capacity of the kitchen, and the size of the aisle
determines the comfort degree of cooking.
Because kitchen area is certain, area of ambry increased, area of
passageway can be compressed. Just like the two ends of the seesaw, they
are pulling each other.
For apartment designers, the standard to measure kitchen
utilization is to put the largest countertop in the smallest space. On
the one hand, the plane composition of the house type will be more full,
on the other hand, the kitchen storage capacity is high, and the
operating table is large, which can also become a selling point of the
house type.
从这个角度出发,我们来做盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门一个实验,以4米长的橱柜和0.9米宽的通道的封闭式为例,分别计算「I」 「II」 「L」 「U」 这几种橱柜所需的占地面积。最终得出下面这组数据:
From this perspective, let's do an experiment to calculate the
floor area of "I", "II", "L" and "U" respectively, taking the closed
type of 4-meter-long cabinet and 0.9-meter-wide passageway as examples.
Finally, the following data are obtained:
上 「I」:6㎡> 「L」:4.65㎡ >「II」:4.2㎡ >「U」:3.3㎡
Upper "I": 6m2 > L ": 4.65m2 >" II ": 4.2m2 >" U ": 3.3m2
You can also see from the picture that when the red area (cabinet)
remains unchanged, the smaller the green area (channel), the smaller the
floor area of the kitchen.
It can be seen that "U" type cabinet has an overwhelming advantage in saving area, followed by "II" type cabinet. |
上一页 地柜的布局在考虑与吊柜协调的同时 |
下一页 整体厨房是将厨房作为一个整体来看待 |