固化剂中的部分阴离子与污泥中的重金属结合 |
添加时间:2022/5/18 15:51:18 浏览次数: |
固化剂中的部分阴离子与污泥中的重金属结合,转化重金属污染物为无害形态; Some anions in the curing agent combine with heavy metals in sludge to transform heavy metal pollutants into harmless forms; 3、固化剂具有一定的碱度,可以杀死污泥中的病原菌、细菌等,进一步实现污泥的无害化。 3. The solidifying agent has a certain alkalinity, which can kill pathogens and bacteria in the sludge and further realize the harmlessness of the sludge. 淤泥固化剂对土的选择范围宽泛,不仅可以使用天然的土、淤泥还可利用建筑弃土(建渣)、各种金属尾矿,不仅有效保护生态环境,还可变废为宝,节约资源。 Sludge curing agent has a wide range of soil selection. It can not only use natural soil and sludge, but also use construction waste soil (construction slag) and various metal tailings, which can not only effectively protect the ecological environment, but also turn waste into treasure and save resources |
上一页 发明污泥的固化处理方法和利用 |
下一页 淤泥固化剂是一种无机复合型药剂 |