发明污泥的固化处理方法和利用, |
添加时间:2023/10/24 16:22:38 浏览次数: |
发明污泥的固化处理方法和利用,涉及包括污水处理厂污泥在内的污泥的处理和利用,特别是应用粘土矿物作为固化剂固化(干化)包括污水处理厂污泥在内的污泥的处理方法和利用。本发明应用的粘土矿物对污泥进行固化处理的方法是科学的,其工艺是十分可行的,工序是简单的, The invention relates to the solidification treatment method and utilization of sludge, which relates to the treatment and utilization of sludge including sewage treatment plant sludge, in particular to the treatment method and utilization of solidifying (drying) sludge including sewage treatment plant sludge by using clay minerals as solidifying agent. The method for solidifying sludge with clay minerals applied in the invention is scientific, the process is very feasible and the process is simple, 处理费用是很低的,产生的技术效果是难以预料的,解决了污泥的资源化利用问题,特别是肥料化利用问题,解决了污水处理厂污泥的v泥杆 保定空压机 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊设备 托辊生产线处置和利用,解决了养殖产生的大量畜禽粪污的有效利用,使沼气工程的沼渣、沼液能得到合理的利用。 The treatment cost is very low and the technical effect is unpredictable. It solves the problem of resource utilization of sludge, especially the problem of fertilizer utilization, the disposal and utilization of sludge from sewage treatment plant, and the effective utilization of a large amount of livestock and poultry manure produced by breeding, so that the biogas residue and biogas slurry of biogas project can be reasonably utilize |
上一页 可将其形成的固化体作为农业上的肥料化利用 |
下一页 污泥是污水进行脱水处理后的产物 |